Tuesday, December 30, 2008


reflections keep me
It's time to return
an oblivion
of nothing
turning slowly
into change

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

O.K. I'm ready to talk

So I went to NYC on Sunday and took over 700 photographs. I'm home now and have to go through all the photos and figure out which ones are worthy my time and which ones to discard. I take so many photographs on a daily basis that it becomes almost overwhelming to figure out which ones to post. I have an external hard drive almost full of photographs from the past 6 years that I have owned a digital camera - and then binders upon binders of negatives from when I worked with film. So many photographs such little time....
If I had the money I've thought about hiring someone to help me go through all the images, but then I think nah... I don't need no stinking 'helper' I'm a photographer I'm supposed to have that many photos.
Anyway, Forbes had never gone to the Whitney so we made a day trip before his gig to check out some artwork and caruze the city. Boy did we luck out!! Right now there is an exhibition of Alexander Calder's work from his Paris series. Calder was really into kinetic sculpture - he made circus characters and then brought them to life- using wire, wood, string, fabric and creative genius. If your in NYC go to the show, it's totally worth it - if not check it - I found this clip from his movie:

I'll have more photos up soon once I've gone through them all - I put that one up in my last post merely because it caught my eye...
Happy Thanksgiving Folks!!


Friday, November 21, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Welcome to the land of Lily

Welcome to my new blog.
more to come.