Thursday, February 19, 2009

Coraline and lovely flowers

I went to see the movie Coraline in 3D.  I loved the movie so much that I soon bought the book, with the assumption that most people have- the book is always better then the movie.  Well, I have to say that they are both really awesome and I enjoyed the movie and the book just the same.  The author, Neil Gaiman, is fantastic and I look forward to reading his other many books. I think what I enjoyed the most about the story is the magical spooky realm that it brings you into.  
On a different note - Forbes and I went to the botanical gardens at Smith College.  Here are a few shots from that above.  It was so nice to be in a 'tropical' climate in the midst of a wintery mix outside.  If you are feeling like you need a pick me up from the winter doldrums I suggest going there - just make sure you park in the designated parking places - those Smith cops are on top of their game if you know what I mean..... 


Leah said...

I was squealing in excitement for a week before I went to see Coraline :) I also really want to read The Graveyard Book by him. I hope my future children enjoy creepy children's literature as much as I do...

forbes said...

I took the bottom picture