Sunday, November 29, 2009

a beach in Vancouver

One of the few things I really wanted to do while in Vancouver was put my feet in the Pacific. I think Forbes thought it was a bit silly but, by the end of vacation on the last night we finally did go to a beach and I put my feet into the Pacific Ocean. Let me tell you... it was COLD! Next time I put my feet in the Pacific, hopefully it to be in Hawaii.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

a work in progress

I have been working a lot on photographing my earrings and jewelry. I'm looking into purchasing a photo 'tent' to help control the light better - or I may just try to make one. As I say in the title it is a work in progress and has helped me become a bit more professional about my practice. Eventually, I will have an etsy and when I do the photographs will be amazing I promise : )

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

leaves out of a building

It's not often that you get the opportunity to photograph leaves being swept out of a huge building like this. For Halloween this year a friend of ours had a camping party inside his loft right in Boston. It was a ton of fun, and in the morning these were the clean up photos.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


This past weekend I sold some of my Antique Tin Jewelry in Providence. I had SO much fun meeting people and selling my work. I continue to make new work all the time and if anyone is interested in buying any of it contact me via e-mail . I am in the process of starting an etsy account(I know I have been saying that for a while now) but this time I'm serious. One thing I must say though it's way cooler to meet the people you sell your work to versus selling it on the interwebs... My plan is to make two sections one for my jewelry and one for my photography. Once it's up I'll let everyone know. promise. : )


The jellyfish and Hydrangea were taken in and around the Vancouver aquarium. It was one of the first places Forbes and I went to while there. I know I shouldn't be judgmental but I have to say that it was the only time during the entire honeymoon when I thought to myself "the Boston Aquarium is WAY cooler then this." Seriously though the Boston aquarium is pretty rad and it took me a trip to Vancouver to really realize it. Everyone should take the time at some point in there life to visit Boston and go to that Aquarium.
The stairway and hanging succulent flower were taken at the UBC Botanical Gardens. They had suspended bridges in the trees which was where the stairs were. It was really cool and not so crowded which was nice because the Capilano suspension bridge was SO crowed comparatively. The UBC gardens was amazing and was also the same day we saw the Freedom the coyote so it will always be a special place in my memory. Though I must admit that the Capilano suspension bridge was very impressive.

Looking Up

This is for my small ongoing series of looking up. I took this one in Vancouver Canada.