Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The jellyfish and Hydrangea were taken in and around the Vancouver aquarium. It was one of the first places Forbes and I went to while there. I know I shouldn't be judgmental but I have to say that it was the only time during the entire honeymoon when I thought to myself "the Boston Aquarium is WAY cooler then this." Seriously though the Boston aquarium is pretty rad and it took me a trip to Vancouver to really realize it. Everyone should take the time at some point in there life to visit Boston and go to that Aquarium.
The stairway and hanging succulent flower were taken at the UBC Botanical Gardens. They had suspended bridges in the trees which was where the stairs were. It was really cool and not so crowded which was nice because the Capilano suspension bridge was SO crowed comparatively. The UBC gardens was amazing and was also the same day we saw the Freedom the coyote so it will always be a special place in my memory. Though I must admit that the Capilano suspension bridge was very impressive.

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